
2022-06-21 / 0 评论 / 26 阅读 / 正在检测是否收录...




目前Rclone支持挂载的网盘有:Google Drive、 Dropbox 、Google Cloud Storage 、Microsoft One Drive 、Hubic、 Backblaze B2 、Yandex Disk 、Openstack Swift / Rackspace cloud files / Memset Memstore 等。更强大的是,Rclone还支持SFTP 、FTP 、HTTP挂载。



1.  方法一:rclone一键安装脚本
2.  curl https:

4.  方法二:
5.  wget https:


rclone authorize "onedrive"


1.  2018/01/23 20:28:56 NOTICE: Config file "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.config\\rclo
2.  ne\\rclone.conf" not found - using defaults
3.  Choose OneDrive account type?
4.   * Say b for a OneDrive business account
5.   * Say p for a personal OneDrive account
6.  b) Business
7.  p) Personal
8.  b/p> p  
9.  If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link: http://127.
10. 0.0.1:53682/auth  #接下来会弹出浏览器,要求你登录账号进行授权
11. Log in and authorize rclone for access
12. Waiting for code...
13. Got code
14. Paste the following into your remote machine --->
15. {"access_token":"xxxx"}  #请复制{xx}整个内容,后面需要用到
16. <---End paste


rclone config


1.  n) New remote
2.  s) Set configuration password
3.  q) Quit config
4.  n/s/q> n
5.  name> Rats             #随便填,后面要用到
6.  Type of storage to configure.
7.  Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
8.  1 / Amazon Drive
9.     \ "amazon cloud drive"
10. 2 / Amazon S3 (also Dreamhost, Ceph, Minio)
11.    \ "s3"
12. 3 / Backblaze B2
13.    \ "b2"
14. 4 / Box
15.    \ "box"
16. 5 / Cache a remote
17.    \ "cache"
18. 6 / Dropbox
19.    \ "dropbox"
20. 7 / Encrypt/Decrypt a remote
21.    \ "crypt"
22. 8 / FTP Connection
23.    \ "ftp"
24. 9 / Google Cloud Storage (this is not Google Drive)
25.    \ "google cloud storage"
26. 10 / Google Drive
27.    \ "drive"
28. 11 / Hubic
29.    \ "hubic"
30. 12 / Local Disk
31.    \ "local"
32. 13 / Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
33.    \ "azureblob"
34. 14 / Microsoft OneDrive
35.    \ "onedrive"
36. 15 / Openstack Swift (Rackspace Cloud Files, Memset Memstore, OVH)
37.    \ "swift"
38. 16 / Pcloud
39.    \ "pcloud"
40. 17 / QingCloud Object Storage
41.    \ "qingstor"
42. 18 / SSH/SFTP Connection
43.    \ "sftp"
44. 19 / Webdav
45.    \ "webdav"
46. 20 / Yandex Disk
47.    \ "yandex"
48. 21 / http Connection
49.    \ "http"
50. Storage> 14      #选择14,Microsoft OneDrive
51. Microsoft App Client Id - leave blank normally.
52. client_id>       #留空 
53. Microsoft App Client Secret - leave blank normally.
54. client_secret>   #留空 
55. Remote config
56. Choose OneDrive account type?
57.  * Say b for a OneDrive business account
58.  * Say p for a personal OneDrive account
59. b) Business
60. p) Personal
61. b/p> p           #这里选择个人版,你想挂载Business就选择b
62. Use auto config?
63.  * Say Y if not sure
64.  * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine
65. y) Yes
66. n) No
67. y/n> n           #选择n
68. For this to work, you will need rclone available on a machine that has a web browser available.
69. Execute the following on your machine:
70.     rclone authorize "onedrive"
71. Then paste the result below:
72. result> {"access_token":""}  #输入之前在客户端授权的内容

74. [Rats]
75. client_id = 
76. client_secret = 
77. token = {"access_token":""}

79. y) Yes this is OK
80. e) Edit this remote
81. d) Delete this remote
82. y/e/d> y        #  选择y
83. Current remotes:

85. Name                 Type
86. ====                 ====
87. Rats                 onedrive

89. e) Edit existing remote
90. n) New remote
91. d) Delete remote
92. r) Rename remote
93. c) Copy remote
94. s) Set configuration password
95. q) Quit config
96. e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q    #选择q退出



1.  举例:
2.  目标:将rclone中的OneDrive挂载到本地/home/songtianlun/onedrive目录下,并清空本地目录内容(--allow-non-empty)

4.  rclone mount OneDrive: /home/songtianlun/onedrive --allow-non-empty

6.  注:网盘目录和本地目录名称不可一致,否则报错


screen -S onedrive


挂载完成后再用快捷键CTRL-a d 来暂时断开当前会话。最后用screen -r <screen_pid>重新连接上。


1.  yum install screen  #centos系统
2.  apt-get install screen  #debian/ubuntu系统


1.  fusermount -qzu LocalFolder


1.  rclone config – 以控制会话的形式添加rclone的配置,配置保存在.rclone.conf文件中。 
2.  rclone copy – 将文件从源复制到目的地址,跳过已复制完成的。 
3.  rclone mount-挂载
4.  rclone sync – 将源数据同步到目的地址,只更新目的地址的数据。 
5.  rclone move – 将源数据移动到目的地址。
6.  rclone delete – 删除指定路径下的文件内容。 
7.  rclone purge – 清空指定路径下所有文件数据。 
8.  rclone mkdir – 创建一个新目录。 
9.  rclone rmdir – 删除空目录。 
10. rclone check – 检查源和目的地址数据是否匹配。
11. rclone ls – 列出指定路径下所有的文件以及文件大小和路径。
12. rclone lsd – 列出指定路径下所有的目录/容器/桶。
13. rclone lsl – 列出指定路径下所有文件以及修改时间、文件大小和路径。
14. rclone md5sum – 为指定路径下的所有文件产生一个md5sum文件。 
15. rclone sha1sum – 为指定路径下的所有文件产生一个sha1sum文件。 
16. rclone size – 获取指定路径下,文件内容的总大小。
17. rclone version – 查看当前版本。 
18. rclone cleanup – 清空remote。 
19. rclone dedupe – 交互式查找重复文件,进行删除/重命名操作。


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